Ms. Ang and I connected through Twitter when she asked if she could interview me. Of course I said yes, having never been asked before, I was thrilled. A few months later I decided to return the favor and she obliged. She's a very interesting person, which is why I'm so excited to post her answers. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Bee L. Kirk
What is your passion?
Ms. Ang
Helping women with their self image. Growing up I struggled with my self image. This lead to multiple toxic relationships because I didn't know my own worth. Over the last six years I have been working on me and have learned a lot in the process. I believe that every woman should know her self worth and embrace everything about her, including her flaws. I also believe that women should lift each other up instead of cutting each other down.
Bee L. Kirk
How long have you been blogging?
Ms. Ang
I've been blogging for almost two years. My original blog was for my modeling but I changed it to a personal blog after I launched my website.
Have you ever had a stalker?
Ms. Ang
I have had a couple of stalkers. One was a guy I dated in high school. He stalked me while I was a freshman in college. I went to college about two hours from home and he would just show up outside my dorm. I had to be extremely mean before he finally left me alone. The other one was an ex and it took a restraining order to get him to stop.
I notice that you are very comfortable with your body, how long have you felt this way?
Ms. Ang
I've only felt this way for about 4-5 years. I used to be self conscious about my body growing up. About six years ago, I started the process of working on my self esteem and learning how to empower myself. Part of this process included the modeling. I had my first photo shoot back in 2009 and it definitely boosted my self esteem. It's been all up hill since then. Now I have no problem getting in a tiny bikini or wearing a tight dress.
What is your favorite Ice Cream?
Ms. Ang
I love ice cream! I guess my favorite would be Rocky Road.
What's your #1 pet peeve?
Ms. Ang
My #1 pet peeve is being late. I'm rarely late and hate waiting on someone that is late.
Have you ever had a near death experience?
Ms. Ang
I actually haven't had a near death experience and hope that I never do.
If you could go back and tell the younger Ms. Ang something, what would it be?
Ms. Ang
I was way too trusting when I was younger. Because of this, people would use and abuse me. So I would tell the younger me not to be so trusting. When you first meet someone they can pretty much be whoever they want to be. It takes time to actually get to know someone.
Do you love social media or tolerate it?
Ms. Ang
I used to love it but now it's gotten a little old. I would say that now I tolerate it because it's a vital marketing tool.
Pick... President Obama or The Rock?
Ms. Ang
Politics just aren't for me so I would have to say The Rock. Plus, I have seen The Rock in person and he is FINE! lol
If you could ban one type of food, ie Hamburgers, Oysters, Lima Beans, what would it be?
Ms. Ang
Those big hamburgers from Hardees. Those things look like they would give you a heart attack after one bite.
12) Biggest Regret?
Ms. Ang
A year ago I had the chance of a lifetime and I let my fear the get best of me. I wish I could go back to that time and do things a little differently.
13) Best Choice?
Ms. Ang
I would say that one of the best choices I have ever made was moving from Alabama to North Carolina.
14) Advice to the youth?
Ms. Ang
1. You can't make everyone happy so don't try.
2. Don't waste your time on people that don't truly care about you.
3. It's okay to be single. Don't rush into a relationship until you are ready.
4. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
5. Be happy being who you are. Your uniqueness makes you special. It makes you who you are. Don't change yourself for others. If they don't like you for you, they aren't worth your time.
Bee L. Kirk, Author of City of the Guardians: Introducing Alex Honor
Ms. Ang's Info
Twitter: @_MsAng_
Instagram: msangnc
Model Mayhem: