Saturday, April 20, 2013

Feeling Guilty :(

I have been thinking about an earlier Post.."The Lies"...I don't want to be misunderstood...I am probably one of the most optimistic people in the WOOORrrrlldddd.
It may have sounded like I am pessimistic but I am just the opposite.

But I believe we buy into what is fed to us. (spoon fed,,,if we read it, see it on the news or hear it)

I told my daughter there was no Santa Clause when she was old enough to understand.(2 years old)

Mya: Mommy is there a Santa Clause?
Me: No

Some people don't agree with me telling her that, they say I stole her joy away, they say I should have let her be a kid. I say...we tell our children not to lie!!!!

And then we lie...really...I don't agree with that. She is fine today,,she hasn't started drinking or doing drugs b/c Santa doesn't exist. She doesn't draw his name on her walls in blood and she hasn't created any pressure cooker bombs.

She is still finding her way, but I find peace and relief in knowing that I didn't start our relationship off with a lie.

Just a Thought....


  1. B I love this! You are so right and I think we all make the mistake of teaching kids not to lie but we tend to tell our own little fibs to "protect" them or whatever the case may be when we really need to be open and honest from the beginning. Very wise words! : )
    -Brittany K

  2. I don't want to come off sounding like the perfect parent, we all make mistakes...but it's something I felt strongly about. Life lessons start at home..


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